Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago
There’s a homing pigeon club not far from where I live.
Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago
There’s a homing pigeon club not far from where I live. 5 weeks ago
I don’t think that’s correct. Most raptors are, I believe, regulated due to their conservation status. E.g., AFAIK, the only people that can legally kill raptors are people that belong to certain Native American tribes; simple possession of things like hawk feathers that you picked up from roadkill can be a felony.
Pigeons in general aren’t really at any kind of conservation risk 5 weeks ago
I don’t doubt you’re right nobody cares about the lowly pigeon, in fact some cities encourage nesting of raptors to keep their population in check. I do doubt any protected birds are allowed to be kept. Hawks are very common where I live, seeing a red tail or cooper’s hawk is a daily occurance where I live so I assume the regulations are for humane treatment rather than preservation. My friend and his son came across a dead bald eagle while hiking and they kept it as they had a large skull collection. I looked it up and as you said it’s against the law with very steep penalties so I advised him to make sure his son kept his mouth shut in school.