This was me this past Tuesday. Full arms out, tee and shorts, soaking up every last drop of warmth like a starved plant.
Hopefully it’ll sustain until proper spring but it was glorious for that moment.
Comment on Seasonal depression 2 weeks ago
Saturday was really warm here, like “t-shirt and jeans weather” warm.
I was in the middle of walking between buildings when the clouds broke.
I immediately turned toward the sun and for one, shining moment, I channeled the spirit of Solaire of Astoria. For a brief moment, I was so grossly incandescent.
I decided “fuck this I’m going home and practicing archery.” so I stood out in the sun for an hour and a half until the sun dipped below the trees. Image
I really need to get one of those full spectrum light panels that helps with seasonal affective disorder, or like a vitamin d lamp or something.
This was me this past Tuesday. Full arms out, tee and shorts, soaking up every last drop of warmth like a starved plant.
Hopefully it’ll sustain until proper spring but it was glorious for that moment.
Maybe I’m just a pessimist these days but all I could think about the whole time was, it’s 72F in fucking February, I might legitimately die working out here when June or July roll around. Summer is going to be real bad here. 2 weeks ago
Maybe healthy interior design needs to look more like a terrarium.
[T]/ 2 weeks ago
Windows are expensive and developers want to maximize profit, so spec-built homes often have the minimum amount of fenestration required by the building code. 2 weeks ago
I would like that, the structure would not.
For now all I have is a dragon tree that needs extra attention I need advice on, and an aloe plant.