And it’s only $5 on steam! Just bought it to play for the first time.
Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 5 weeks ago
Saboteur is an incredible fun. Feel like replaying it now 4 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
“Is an incredible fun”
Words hard, apparently. 5 weeks ago
Making fun of people based on their ability to type is a really low hanging fruit. As long as you can understand what he
s trying to say, you should be happy to be able to hear the opinions of people who are less taleneted in speaking the same language as you, instead of making fun of him. There are many things he knows which you dont, and if everyone were like you, the human race would have died at the discovery of fire because the person who discovered it didn
t perfectly know that times equivalent of grammar.Typical .world scum. 5 weeks ago
Are you OK?