Comment on As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories? | Frances Ryan ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories?

It isn’t, just like we said it wouldn’t be before the election, when the cultists refused to listen.

Keith and his cronies are nothing but establishment serving placeholders and future scapegoats for the right to blame for all the ills of society and come back in stronger and more fascist than ever. And when that happens, the cultists will act all surprised and bewildered again because they simply refuse to hear anything that contradicts their deep indoctrination in to passive compliance with the rules.

As for

There may be no nasty impulse to punish ‘skivers’

If you genuinely believe that, you’re not been paying any attention, or are completely oblivious to the masses of ableist and classist dog whistles they’ve been using all along.

Is it really a wonder why we get so much more frustrated with liberals who insist on playing along and cooperating with the system, insisting they care about society and its most vulnerable (to stroke their own egos) while refusing to listen to our warnings (again, to stroke their own egos, after all, they still see us as beneath them), than we are with those who are at least honest about throwing us under the bus? Once again MLK’s quote about white moderates being a bigger barrier to equity than the KKK are proves its depressing accuracy.
