And yet, from the downvoting here and everywhere else this comes up, it’s clear: some people can’t take nuanced opinions on topics like this. If you object in any capacity, you’re the worst possible objector.
Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 5 weeks agoExactly. Don’t lecture us about being trans or etc.
We honestly don’t care. (Yes, a small percentage of people are actually bigots and hate gays/trans for being who they are). The rest of us just don’t want it shoved down our throats.
It’s like making a game and having the main character proclaiming: “look how straight I am! Wow I sure do love women! I’m so straight and anyone who isn’t should do pushups”. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Because they’re all leftists/activists. They don’t know what sells games yet they scream and shout that it’s our fault that the games didn’t sell well 5 weeks ago
shrug The Right does pretty much the same thing. It’s all fucked. 5 weeks ago
and when you put storytelling of any kind that way, it tells me who you really are.
no one is shoving anything down your throat sweetie, you paid your money for a game before checking it out. that’s your mistake, not the devs. 5 weeks ago
You completely missed the point just so you can keep your ears and eyes closed.
Keep living in your bubble and being angry at the world, it sounds fun! 5 weeks ago
lol you’re so isolated from reality you can’t even tell 5 weeks ago
Keep living with your horse blinders on, bud!