Spot on.
SNW is good but I don’t think we’ll ever see a return to the old TV format of 20+ episode seasons. You can’t do random episodic stories all that well in 6-12 episodes. Short seasons have no room to breathe.
Even Futurama has this problem with the two new Hulu seasons, and that’s without the burden of an overarching plot to keep moving forward. 4 weeks ago
Overwriting canon is fine, actually. TOS never had an issue with it, and PIC S1E10 gave Data a much better send-off by breaking canon from Nemesis and other Soong episodes. Gene Roddenberry’s assistant officially decanonized TAS, but better writers still acknowledge it.
The idea of “canon” in regard to fictional worlds is dubious anyway, especially ones developed across multiple writers and generations. I’m fine with stuffing Pike’s comment about women on the bridge into the dustbin of history, and not stressing about what decade the Eugenics Wars happened, and assuming PIC S3 doesn’t exist. 4 weeks ago
You make some great points. I can’t disagree.