Do he also do the toen being taken over by spirals? This looks like that type of body horror
Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 week agoThen you will be happy to learn that the author Shunji Ito has a lot more disturbing stories. 1 week ago 1 week ago
Yes! That’s also him. 1 week ago
The artist’s name is Junji Ito, so that you have an accurate search term and can find more of his works.
In real life, he’s a delightful and bright guy, but on the page, he gets pretty fucked up real quick. Good luck.
(I think most of my problem with Junji Ito is that he comes up with an incredibly graphic shock panel and then crafts the story around one or two violent bits of art, rather than making the art in service to the story. His pattern can get a bit repetitive.) 1 week ago
Thanks for the correction! The name felt odd, but I got distracted and couldn’t verify it.