Comment on People shouldn't expect 24/7 access to you through your phone.

<- View Parent ⁨4⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Because turnover drives competition for employees, which drives pay, which drives better management. And if it doesn’t? Then the company fails. But only if employees stand the fuck up. Kinda like how unions work? But yes, individuals can play the game as well.

Shit employees -> unhappy customers -> less profit -> training costs > less profit -> hateful employees -> less profit. Rinse and repeat.

LOL, there’s so much more.

For example: Hire a guy. OK. You now have to pay $X for state unemployment insurance until to dollar amount $Y. Guy quits? Pay $X until $Y, all over again. Rinse and repeat. Could have just kept guy and only paid once. Nope. Now you gotta pay twice, or three times, or four times, however many times that position rolls over in the year.

Y’all got you’re heads so far up your ass bitching about cApiTaLisTs, you forgot you have the power.
