Do you at least make a decent salary?
Comment on Have you ever gotten jerked around like this trying to get a job? 4 weeks ago
I remember being in my twenties. I got a BS in “organizational psychology” thinking I’d be the best at picking the perfect people for some very worthy endeavor.
I should have gone to trade school. Doing electives was cool, but my unused degree is shit. I guess it got me a bullshit job sending emails and updating 400 versions of the same fucking spreadsheet every day. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
It’s livable, but not really commensurate with the stress of the role. Haven’t seen inbox zero in years, and we’re chronically understaffed. 4 weeks ago
Sounds like status quo 4 weeks ago
You can still switch if your body hasn’t given out. I’ve met many people in the trades who are on their second or so career path. 4 weeks ago
It’s on my horizon. I just finished putting my partner through university for 3 years. It’s been a lot of fun watching them go from having a job that makes them miserable most days to having them bring home nice stories every day.
We’re still getting over the tuition debt, but once we do we’ll be looking to find me some work that feels more meaningful. For now I need to stay in the traces while I can. 4 weeks ago
Just wanted to say “hell yeah” to both putting your partner through school AND having a partner that’ll do the same. Didn’t go so well for me when I went that route, haha 4 weeks ago
We’re lucky to have a deep friendship in each other. I think the trick with marriage really is just to be good friends more than anything else.
Or at least I hope so, it’s the only trick I’ve got.