Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks agoLiberal bickering is morally equivalent to fucking Nazis, says someone who cannot figure out why their message won’t catch on.
Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks agoLiberal bickering is morally equivalent to fucking Nazis, says someone who cannot figure out why their message won’t catch on. 4 weeks ago
“My” message is catching on without my help, since its, yaknow, true.
More importantly, you misunderstand my purpose in speaking to you. Your personal understanding of my “message” is not required. Folks like you, folks who figured they learned enough about politics and history in highschool, will believe whatever theyre told if it’s someone they trust. You’ll come around when and if “my” message becomes common sense. Only then. And you will at that time claim to have always known what I’m telling you, right now. 4 weeks ago
You’re having a whole other conversation inside your head.