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  • they believe it’s every believers duty to give people opportunity to repent hence going door to door (I think they’ve stopped doing this now) or standing on the street offering their standard magazine “Awake”

They still go door to door and the newsletter is called The Watchtower.

And to clarify the very specific 144000 number: that’s made of up 12k people from the original 12 tribes of Israel. When I pointed out that I wasn’t Jewish so does it mean I don’t get to go to heaven, they clarified that it was 11 tribes and one “lost tribe” that allows non-jews eligibility. “So only twelve thousand get into heaven, out of about 9 billion?” They agreed that it’s the gospel and many people weren’t good enough Christians. I asked how many Jehovah’s Witnesses there were. They left after they figured out I was going to ask questions that exposed their awkward answers.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are one of the only cults that tell people that they most likely aren’t going into heaven for believing and giving your life to a religion. And don’t even insinuate that better Christians might appear in the future and take their places in heaven. The end will happen before new Christians have a chance to prove how good they are.

JW are super petty and very mean to even their own. It’s all passive aggressive and it’s constant.
