Please explain how this is Sinophobic.
Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 5 weeks agoThis is pathetic Sinophobia. 5 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Innovation from other countries is not subjected to similar scrutiny 4 weeks ago
People have scrutinized what chatgpt for example is allowed and not allowed to say by its programmers. I think the difference here is that there is lower hanging fruit to grab because the Chinese state has a different relationship to censorship than a lot of other states.
I also associate Sinophobia with being prejudiced against Chinese people or Chinese culture, however being critical or skeptical of the Chinese state is actually perfectly reasonable. I’m also very critical of the US state and this isn’t because I’m “americaphobic” or some nonsense. 4 weeks ago
Totally agree. Saying that “any criticism of the Chinese government is sinophobic” is the same as saying that “any criticism of Israel’s government is antisemitic.” 4 weeks ago
Innovation from other countries is not subjected to similar scrutiny
This is simply not true. 4 weeks ago
Welcome to the internet, you must be new. Keep scrolling through new here and you should see some pretty common jokes about the falliability of AI of various flavors. Criticism of the weighting on training models can be found with just slightly more effort. 5 weeks ago
So tell me, what happened at that square in 1989? 5 weeks ago
According to Baidu and most of .ml, absolutely nothing. It was a perfectly normal day of getting emulsified by tanks. There are no unhappy people in China, and they have the CCTV recordings to prove it! 5 weeks ago
Point to it on a map. 5 weeks ago
Don’t distract. I knew where exactly in the Chinese capital this square is when I was six years old. Your accusation that I must be some ignorant American who can’t find anything on a world map is wrong on both accounts.
Once again: What happened there? I want an honest answer from you. 5 weeks ago
Don’t distract ?
We’re talking about developments in AI tech, and you want to make it about Tiananmen Square .