Educated people can make their own judgment without you coloring in their reality for them, thanks.
Right, however, you’d have to be able to appeal to educated people first. And I don’t think you’re capable of it to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, cosplaying the “ackshually” meme would have been a great idea if it weren’t for the fact that people generally don’t like that guy very much.
But you do you.
Oh, and a bit of advice- I’d be careful with hurling that “pseudo-intellectual” accusation at other people- especially in a comment thread where your modlog was made easily accessible. Glass houses being what they are.
Anywho, I think I made my point. There’s no real need to continue this. 3 days ago
What point? A personal attack and a nitpick about hyphenation? Is that the substance of your argument in defense of people who voted for mass murderers? This is what we’re talking about when we say Democrats are obsessed with “respectability politics” and don’t give a fuck about morality. 3 days ago
I’m going to need a napkin for all that irony you’re dripping.
Have a good evening for yourself. 3 days ago
I wish this site had a working block feature like reddit. Some of these people just need to be cut out of responding. 3 days ago
Yeah. I get ya. Most people get around that by simply not talking shit and respecting others. And right now, it looks to me like for the most part, you’re getting what you give- only unlike you, I’m not derogatorily admonishing you to feel superior.
Again, your modlog is public.
So maybe you can stop with the arrogant life-lessons, opinions-stated-as-facts,and pseudo-intellectual lectures and learn to have a bit more respect for the people you speak directly to.