Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks agoThe claims they make are pretty wild and again QAnon is about using known facts to weave a conspiratorial narrative. They demonstrate that even the most outlandish bullshit will be accepted if it fits the observers agenda. So no it does not surprise me when I call into question this video on a left leaning site everyone loses their shit. This type of media is used to control people because it’s so easy to put an erie background music and make a 5 point essay. That’s all it takes to get them to buy in. 5 weeks ago
Your entire premise of making it the same as QAnon or not the same as QAnon is full of murky definitions and ultimately pointless. If you have a critique of this video’s contents, then by all means make it with substance. QAnon is a rich topic and you can no doubt point to many similarities and I can point to many differences. Ultimately: so what?
It sounds like you are here to say “leftists are full of shit just as much as anyone” and were 99% of the way to congratulating yourself on successfully proving this from the moment the post was made.
I really only have one question about all that. Are you 14? 5 weeks ago
Notice once how you never once talked about the content of the video. I did.