He quite literally said “I’ll stop hiring white people”
Let’s try this: " I’ll stop hiring black people". That’s pretty racist, right? I fully believe that, and I’d never say or do that.
So if that is racist, it is also racist if it’s against white, yellow, brown or green for all I care. Racism is racism, please stop with the “racism is okay against whites because they have power” bullshit.
If you want to kick against those in power, go right ahead. If that means you’ll mostly mock against white people because most people in power are white people, fine! If you start kicking against ALL white people because of that, you’re the exact same type of racist as the ones liking to dress up as a ghost.
Seriously, why do I even have to explain racism? I grew up being taught that were all the same, no matter color, wee-wee or pee-pee, who you decide to love, or even if you want to believe in imaginary sky people. Granted, that last one is hard for me because religions cause so much shit and it’s all about who’s imaginary sky person is real or not. But beyond religion, I treat everyone equal, I respect all.
Why is it so goddamn much to ask that rules are applied equally to all?
FabledAepitaph@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
One person suggests not hiring people based on the color of their skin. Another person argues that this person does not show any signs of racism. What’s even going on anymore?
MutilationWave@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Bring balance to the force.
FabledAepitaph@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Or just stop being racist and an asshole altogether?