It’s not just “land loss” all those people, their homes and families and lives need to move, or be anexed into fascist russia? No trump would need to tell putin to go back to pre 2012 borders and fuck right off.
It’s not just “land loss” all those people, their homes and families and lives need to move, or be anexed into fascist russia? No trump would need to tell putin to go back to pre 2012 borders and fuck right off. 5 weeks ago
You’re talking to a Finn whose grandparents on both sides lost their homes to stalinist USSR. A sapling of a plant they brought with them grows in my yard. I’ve visited the locations and met the new inhabitants (normal people). Trust me, I know land loss sucks. War also sucks, and much as I hate realpolitik… sometimes there’s realpolitik. Of course in the end it’s up to the Ukrainians how long and for what they are willing to fight, with access to whatever aid (hopefully more) they have. 5 weeks ago
The Finns didn’t have the backing of the international community who are largely not at war. I am truly sorry for what your grandparents went through, war is horrible. But if russia is appeased, they will re arm and do it again.