In our defence, most of that is legacy from the post war rebuild (copper shortages etc). The modern regs are comparable or better than a lot of places.
There’s enough of the dodgy stuff around that it needs to be accounted for, but it’s being phased out as new stuff it built or renovated. 5 weeks ago
Do they have the wiring on the outside of the houses so it’s easier to repair.
I’ve heard in UK they tend to do such things. 5 weeks ago
No, it’s usually buried in the wall behind the plasterboard. Although it’s possible to use surface trunking.Image 5 weeks ago
It was a joke on UK putting water pipes on the outside of their houses. 5 weeks ago
Well duh, they freeze and burst in winter so they obviously need to be outside for easier repair! Think of the mess they would make if they were inside the walls. 5 weeks ago
Hmm the only water pipes I’ve ever seen outside are for the garden hose 🤔