Comment on Do You Even Squid Game Bro? 5 weeks agoI find subtiles distracting
I read the words that pop up on the screen in my own voice in my head and basically ignore the voices because I can not understand them anyways.
I enjoyed Death Note in dubbed
I enjoyed Alice in Boarderlands in subbed, dubbed was bad
I’m split on Money Heist. My friend showed me it in English and I watched the whole first episode without realizing it was dubbed. Trying to watch it subbed after that was like the characters were not speaking the language I thought they did. It was weird.
I can see some people hating the lips not matching up, but I don’t really look at.
Maybe if I was big into subbed shows I’d like them more and I’m sure I’d get better at enjoying subtitles.
But I am the kind of person that would want to rewind a movie or show because I didn’t understand what a character said. I hate feeling like I am missing important information. 5 weeks ago
Most people read the subtitles in the voice of the character who said the thing. 5 weeks ago
So a Japanese character that I’ve never heard speak English says something in Japanese. English words pop up on screen.
You’re telling me you read the English words in a random Japanese/English accent? Like a stereotype voice? 5 weeks ago
It’s the sounds of the Japanese language but the meaning is in English.