5 weeks ago
When people start going on about “what they put in vaccines” I grab any processed food item I can find, hand them the box, and ask them to read the ingredients out loud.
Usually they can’t pronounce most of the big words, and most of the time they realize what I’m doing and stop trying to read and get super defensive/offended.
If you get offended by me asking you to read ingredients in your kids pop tarts, I can’t imagine how you react to an actual problem. 5 weeks ago
Because these sorts of people don’t care about the facts or what is true. They only care about the identity. They built for themselves around a ridiculous pack of lies and conspiracy theories. So, when you point out that what they firmly believe has no basis in fact, they take out as a personal attack, rather thanany kind of discussion around what is or is not true. All they feel is that you are, now, their enemy for making them feel bad.