Comment on Long Haired Men, How Do You Take Care of Your Hair?? ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Long hair since forever now.

  1. Brush it every day at least. Twice if neccessary. Brush it before you wash it to get the entangled fallen out hair off and after you washed your hair. Washing it will entangle it again.
  2. Find out how often you need to wash the hair. Curly hair gets frizzly if washed too often, oily hair obviously gets hard to manage if washed too infrequently.
  3. Just use a shampoo and conditioner that makes your hair feel right. You'll know what I mean. Do not use the typical "15 in 1 and it wil cook you diner" things marketed for men. They are usually super aggressive and with menthol and shit... Don't let them control you with your masculinity. I have a shampoo that smells of almonds and vanilla and makes my hair silky. I like it.
  4. Hair bands will not affect your hairline. If so, every woman with a braid would go bald. Baldness in men is triggered by some gene-BS, not by you pulling on your hair
  5. If you want to restrain your hair, but not clamp it down so to say, use those telephone-wire-like hairbands. They'll do just that. I can't use them because my thick hair will just laugh at me and push the band away
  6. Get a tangle teezer. Thank me later.
