Comment on At only 80 thousand dollars a press die is practical and smart and requires only some minor assembly, maintenance, adjustments, and heavy equipment to run. 5 weeks ago
You want a press brake, the die goes inside that.
Brake presses and punch presses are different things. Brakes bend, punches punch. But honestly you should probably have one or two of each.
humans can bend and punch too, i don’t see why you would want all this technology to augment your human body, just train and become the perfect being
lemmying from my divine consciousness, sorry if i don’t respond immediately
Agreed, they are distinct tools and you should have one of each at least, I’m just trying to make sure folks get the proper tool, not just the tooling.
I recommend Cincinnati for brake presses, if you’re going to get one. Though Trumpf makes a tempting machine. 5 weeks ago
Brake presses and punch presses are different things. Brakes bend, punches punch. But honestly you should probably have one or two of each. 5 weeks ago
humans can bend and punch too, i don’t see why you would want all this technology to augment your human body, just train and become the perfect being
lemmying from my divine consciousness, sorry if i don’t respond immediately 5 weeks ago
Agreed, they are distinct tools and you should have one of each at least, I’m just trying to make sure folks get the proper tool, not just the tooling. 5 weeks ago
I recommend Cincinnati for brake presses, if you’re going to get one. Though Trumpf makes a tempting machine.