People will call you an asset flip if you do that. Plus I don’t know if all of these games use engines compatible with “the” asset browser 1 month ago
According to Abe, one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive parts of game development is coming up with the “hundreds of thousands of unique ideas” needed to create the in-game environment. For example, if you want to put a TV inside of your game, you can’t just use an existing product as is – you need to think of a fictional TV design from scratch, including the manufacturer’s logo and everything else about the object.
I can just go into the asset browser and find a whole slew of TVs I can just add to my game and not need to reinvent the wheel every damn time. What the fuck is Abe smoking? 1 month ago 1 month ago
“The” asset browser could be any number of sources, some of which are not coupled to any specific engine. AAA games do also use already made shit, especially when it’s an inconsequential background item like a TV. 1 month ago
On the subject of existing asset use… I played yonder: the cloud catcher chronicles, and I am fairly certain the sound for rain in that game is actually the sound of something gently sizzling in a pan.
It’s super close, but -just- wrong enough for me to notice. And then be mildly bothered by it for the next 40 hours of playtime.