Hate all mods on all platforms with a passion.
i don’t, without them you end up with twitter/facebook/garbage town websites filled with garbage
Comment on Anon is karming
HoneyMustardGas@lemmy.world 5 weeks agoI got one like this. It didn’t break the rules but was very popular on Reddit. After about a day I got the mod removal comment and was pissed because it was a great discussion and everyone was civil. They said it didn’t “fit” the subreddit but it certainly did, no rule was applied nor could it.
Hate all mods on all platforms with a passion. No regulation whatsoever on how they should act. Making interactions unfair. Yet there is no consequence to them for this injustice. The unfortunate thing is that some subreddits or communities are too popular and are dominant so even if I created my own version with a similar topic and my own fair rules, to treat people more fairly, it wouldn’t be the same. Certain communities might be the only place on Reddit or Lemmy that I can talk about a certain thing and get the audience/answer/feedback I want.
Hate all mods on all platforms with a passion.
i don’t, without them you end up with twitter/facebook/garbage town websites filled with garbage
There are abusive mods on all platforms
Been on forums since 1999, really not that big of an issue tbh, it’s a stupid website, who cares
Sometimes I post a comment on a website and it is moderated, how will I survive this, oh the pain of it all faints
No, because I like having conversations with people uninterrupted, when it gets removed and I have done nothing wrong, it is rude.
That’s arguing there should be no police force in society of any kind, just because the current implementation is severely lacking in worthiness and accountability.
Even an anarchist association of communities would inevitably develop some sort of internal peacekeeping force simply because it is necessary for human civilization and there is always potential for conflict. Human nature and all.
The closest thing an anarchist would ever advocate for in regards to an internal peacekeeping force would be some sort of community defense to defend against violent threats to community. But there would be ways to prevent it from becoming centralized and abusive. One way is by training everyone in the community in community defense and rotating the role. Their are other ways as well. But besides the point
I didn’t say they shouldn’t exist, just to be more regulation
Reddfugee42@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Sorry about your lots. RIP in peace
HoneyMustardGas@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
I only wish I had land, lol. I see you suffer from RAS syndrome as well.