Might have been a cash grab - in fact it likely was. But I tend to reserve my judgement. I’m not on the live service hate train - in fact I’m often interested in what they might have on offer. I like to have a main game, and live service games are great for people like me as there is always something to look forward to. And I for one fucking hate the constant cach grab fails.
People always hate on live service games just because of the label, but there is serious lack of good live service games compared to good single player games.
My comment migh’ve come partyl from a place of frustration so apologies if I was harsh or something
Zorque@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Quality isn’t necessarily measured by desire. One can enjoy something they never desired before it existed. And one can loathe something they always desired before it was made, see the Warcraft movie (for me, at least).