Well, I never knew I wanted to understand why that happened, but apparently I did. Fascinating.
Comment on Monday SOTD Thread - January 20th, 2025 (#589)
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks agoAt this time I’m wondering whether putting the lower part of the kamisori blade into a (padded) vice might be able to straighten the thing back?
Unfortunately it’s not that simple. You have to overcome elasticity, which means that in needs to be bent back more than just straight, so that in plastically deforms in the exact precise way that makes it straight again after unloading. Predicting the right deformation (i.e., this exact problem) is a difficult computational dark art in deep drawing. Also, you only get a few chances, because plastic deformation leads to work hardening (it’s like you’re forging the steel locally where it deforms locally).
To illustrate the problem, you can bend a straight piece of hardened wire like a bicycle spoke and try to straighten it again. It’s almost impossible, because the exact location of your original bend has work-hardened and when you try to revert it, typically a part next to the original bend will bend instead.
merikus@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
Not looking good, I see 😩
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
Oh, and for the record, I would definitely try, if it were my razor, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out good enough
PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
I willdefinitely give it a try, but I’m wondering if reaching out to the head of River Razors is the best option 🤔
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
Maybe that’s a good option, yes.
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 4 weeks ago
You can still try to fix it, I’m just saying that simply putting it in a vise won’t straighten it. You need to bend it further than straight, but not too far because it gets more difficult to straighten the more load cycles you put on it