Not sure about Switch, but PS5/Xbox support mouse and keyboard inputs if a game is designed for them.
Voice recognition seems more likely to me, though. PS5 already has an advantage there because every Dualsense controller has a mic in it.
Comment on Large Language Models in Video Games? 1 month ago
I think the PC vs. console divide is relevant here. I’m not sure how advanced text entry on consoles is these days, but I imagine PCs have the advantage with keyboards. Maybe if they use voice recognition on the consoles? But AAA games usually target both, and if interacting with the model is clunky for a big chunk of your market then the big developers might not use the technology.
Of course, indie devs that only target PC can go wild.
Not sure about Switch, but PS5/Xbox support mouse and keyboard inputs if a game is designed for them.
Voice recognition seems more likely to me, though. PS5 already has an advantage there because every Dualsense controller has a mic in it.
Whisper from OpenAI is pretty solid for speech recognition (at least English), and it is small enough to deploy on mobile devices. If I recall correctly, both PS and Xbox controllers have mics built-in, so input device is covered. 1 month ago
AI could also generate dialogie options for players, though. It could operate as traditional dialogue, with AI generating responses and possible doalogue paths ahead of time so you get a “normal” experience that just changes every time