Nice!!! Do dogs next!
Comment on Can cats see color? 1 month ago
Firstly, cats have a higher proportion of rods to cones when compared to human eyes, as well as a structure behind the retina called a tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back to their photoreceptors.
(The tapetum lucidum is also what causes cats eyes to appear to shine or glow in low light conditions)
This means they are better able to see differences between dark and light than we are, and in general are estimated to be able to see in brightness conditions about 6 times dimmer than what humans can see in.
But the flipside to this is that, in general, they see less contrast between colors than we do.
Secondly, cats are are dichromatic, they have very low sensitivity to what we call red, so their perception or color is probably something akin to protonanopia in humans, though not as extreme.
Cats basically percieve the world in what we would call muted tones of blues, yellows, greens and grays.
Thirdly, cats visual range extends beyond the human visual range into UV. They can see all the way down to 320nm, human vision typically stops at about 400nm.
This is why cats are often transfixed, looking at things that… don’t seem to be there. What they’re looking at does exist, it’s just that we can’t see it.
This also means that they can see distinct color patterns in what we would basically just perceive as blue.
Finally, they also have a 200 degree field of view, compared to a human’s 180. 1 month ago 1 month ago
Only if you give me a treat. 1 month ago
Thank you for taking the time to write this. That was an awesome read! 1 month ago
=D 1 month ago
That was fascinating as fuck 1 month ago
Fuck this. The ghosts are not there 1 month ago
Its usually things like dustmotes illuminated in a light band we can’t see, or reflections off of metal or refractions through glass that we just see as maybe a bright spot, but they may see as … basically psychadelic colors.
If you ever have a crystal or window where light shines through at the right angle , such that it makes a spectrum along the wall or floor…
… basically they see some kind of ‘super’ blue that extends beyond where our vision cuts off. The prism’s rainbow pattern keeps going, we just can’t see it.
Also, blacklights are probably very weird for them. 1 month ago
Greeblings. Not ghosts, greeblings.
There are a couple of posts on Red-dit and Thre-eads, but I won’t link to those; here’s another description, although it’s wrong. It attributes Greebles to Red-dit, but the term predates not only that site, but the web entirely. I first heard about greeblings in 1983.