Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 1 month ago
You are talking about the outcome being pointless, but I’d go further and say that the process of completing college is bullshit as well.
Forced to live in shoebox dorm room for the first year or more in many colleges, being given lectures that are quite simply shit the majority of the time - to the point that it was the norm to just stop attending lectures and basically just self-teach yourself the textbook - and often taking tests that fail to actually meaningfully test your comprehension of the subject. Then you leave, and quite often you completely forget a large portion of what you studied as you enter the job market and never have to apply that knowledge again. 1 month ago
College makes more sense when you look at a diploma as being able to conquer an ordeal instead of just learn topics in class. 1 month ago
But if it’s just about conquering an ordeal, then there should be more variety. I’d rather kill Madusa than sit through a 4 year degree. 1 month ago
It isn’t about conquering any kind of ordeal. College was designed to create leaders, not just teach academic subjects. A lot of people complaining here are focusing on the classwork when there are other skills that are supposed to be taught. 1 month ago
We clearly went to different kinds of colleges.