Reminds me of a python script I wrote for kicks that would grab a random famous historical figure from wikipedia then wrongly attribute a quote that it scrapped from/r/shitty-advice. It was pretty entertaining.
Comment on only 100% dry cotton cleaning 5 weeks ago
I was curious if you could actually buy this which sent me down a small rabbit hole.
Turns it it was, according to, was a quote falsely attributed to Joe Biden. Looks like that was a few years ago. I hadn’t seen it back then.…/fact-check-joe-biden-buy-man-…
To the original thing I was looking at of can you buy it, yes you can.…/fact-check-joe-biden-buy-man-… But now having context, it’s a political shirt. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
…fool me you can’t get fooled again!.. 5 weeks ago
That’s too bad. I was going to buy one, but I don’t want to be associated with magats in any way or form. Other than living in the same country, for now.