Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month agoIf I switch the power on, and press the IC button nothing happens. But I do, as far as I can see, any calculation and press IC I get a (to me) random number displayed on screen. So yeah, that might be the case but I’m not sure what items it is counting.
Following what you told me, I still get no result from operating the calculator with MU and %. Which is surprising me because it acts like those keys have no function.
I’ll write it in the order I press the keys and maybe you’ll figure out what I’m doing wrong.
Switch on > 100 > MU > 20 > % = 20
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 month ago
It think you should try:
100 > + > MU > 20 > % > +=
It should show 125. 1 month ago
That shows 120. 1 month ago
Hmm. I guess different brands do this stuff differently. In real life I’d definitely prefer to break the equation into separate operations, just to ensure that I understand and can document the process. 1 month ago
I guess that’s why I don’t know what I’m looking at. I’ve not had great math teachers through my school time, and I don’t actually know what this is supposed to do. Like, in actual math steps.