Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month agoAccording to that site, it also has an item counter. Normally this also on the print, but without a printer I guess it needs a button for that. Perhaps the IC button?
Remember that on desktop calculators the operations are entered reverse of ordinary pocket calculators. First you press the number and then you press the operation. So to do 100 - 50 you need to press “100 + 50 -”
Same for the MU. First you need a number to be added. Then MU some number as percentage and +=. 1 month ago
If I switch the power on, and press the IC button nothing happens. But I do, as far as I can see, any calculation and press IC I get a (to me) random number displayed on screen. So yeah, that might be the case but I’m not sure what items it is counting.
Following what you told me, I still get no result from operating the calculator with MU and %. Which is surprising me because it acts like those keys have no function.
I’ll write it in the order I press the keys and maybe you’ll figure out what I’m doing wrong.
Switch on > 100 > MU > 20 > % = 20
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 month ago
It think you should try:
100 > + > MU > 20 > % > +=
It should show 125. 1 month ago
That shows 120. 1 month ago
Hmm. I guess different brands do this stuff differently. In real life I’d definitely prefer to break the equation into separate operations, just to ensure that I understand and can document the process.