Jesus was never real and was not recorded by dozens of scribes that were in the place at the same time (one famous example was debunked hundreds of years ago). He’s a sun-god astrological myth, like Horus and others before and they all share similar attributes.
His purpose was to signal the start of the age of Pisces (two fish), and the winter solstice will see the sun rise (after 3 days of apparent stagnation) in the Aquarius constellation in 2150 or so. His resurrection is celebrated at Spring equinox, or Easter, when the sun finally overpowers the darkness. 2 months ago
Jesus was born in the spring, not the winter. Christmas is an adaptation of northern winter festivities and they slapped a Christian justification on it. 1 month ago
I always thought it was the christian brand version of Roman Saturnalia. 1 month ago
When they were still being persecuted by the Romans for their religion, they held Christmas during Saturnalia to blend in.
Also, I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that Tolkien had Frodo destroy the ring on the day believed to be the birth of Christ.