Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month agoJax you are absolutely in the wrong on this and Dasus’ only sin is the cringe of engaging with you, far more embarrassing for you lol
when you misunderstand someone, apologize, listen to what they have to say, and provide a suggestion for how they might better express the thought later if you want 1 month ago
My water has minerals in it and that is why stains are left on things that have water dry on them.
My soil has good nutrients and that is why mushrooms are active.
My eggs have chickenshit on them and that is why they don’t need refrigeration.
Good to know, I’ll have you tagged as a fucking idiot as well. By the way, don’t listen to this person: the ratio is still 7:1 in terms of shelf life. Refrigerated vs unrefrigerated, respectively. Not only are they bad at English, they’re just fucking wrong. 1 month ago
oh dear not the personal attacks. XD do you go into a rage at the weatherman when he says “the barometric pressure just dropped and that is why you should look out for storms pretty soon” too?
that’s you that’s how you sound ;P
and then they clarify, saying: “ah, you are absolutely correct; to clarify your misunderstanding, the barometric pressure thing is only a strong indicator of oncoming weather—i was just letting you know why i thought it was a good idea to prepare”
when you misunderstand someone and they correct you, apologize, listen to what they have to say, and provide a suggestion for how they might better express the thought later if you want. 1 month ago
Oh, so you’re a power tripping mod and an idiot. Great, I’ll add that to the tag. 1 month ago
no worries :) hope you have a good one