Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem

<- View Parent ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I said requesting training is awesome. Asking for a spot on my calendar to train you on something is perfectly fine. Interrupting my own work to get me to do something for you is not that. Casually watching me work without first asking me to be “on” for you is also not ok. I would want time to prepare to teach you. I could have prepared examples, and a workflow diagram, and most importantly, be prepped to be in “on” mode to socialize with you. It’s an effort to mask, just walking up and being an interruption provides no time to mask up for you, and you get an adhoc half annoyed and possibly unprepared lesson. Teaching someone properly is like taking the stage, or preparing TEDtalk. Watching someone adhoc is just cruel and invasive. They have their own job to do and focus on, not worry about chit chatting with someone while making a dead line.

Spock - “May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans? I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant.”
