Comment on Caption this. 2 months agoUS oil production is not US oil usage. Explain. Do you think the oil disappears or doesn’t affect climate because it’s not burned in the US? Why wouldn’t I hold US policymakers accountable for oil being produced under their watch, even if it is exported?
As for dips, then there was the 2008 great recession and covid which changed everything for a few years each. Look at the chart. The decline started in the mid-80’s, and reached the bottomed in 2005. By about 2001 it was the lowest since 1950. Years before the 2008 crash. You are right that the drop during Trump’s last year coincides with the onset of COVID, but it rises again as early as the summer of 2020. And continues unabated into Biden’s presidency and last year.
That running on an environmental policy was a losing proposition. Obama was already elected into his 2nd term when oil production started climbing quicker than ever before at the end of 2012.
Nothing I’m seeing in the data suggests that Dems were meaningfully impeding/capping oil production. You may say it’s because the environment is a losing political proposition (and you may be right). But in doing so you’re just assigning a reason fir the trends and timing that show dual-party responsibility. 2 months ago
… I’ve never been at a bigger loss for words.
You have a lot to learn. 2 months ago
BTW, are you trying to say US oil usage has dropped? Because that’s not the case. 2 months ago
4-10% of oil goes to plastic. Oil storage reserves are full and significant capacity isn’t being added.
So your critic is right. Oil produced is oil burned. If not in the US than elsewhere which affects global warming just the same.
Other than that I agree with everything else you said. 2 months ago
Then is not than, Christ. 2 months ago
How about explain where the surplus non burned oil is going instead of criticizing grammar.
The OP is extraordinarily wrong and won’t explain himself.