Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month agoAlmost exact same timeline, prices and specs here. Just went with the RX6600 instead after hardware became somewhat affordable again after crypto hype and COVID. Always bought the mid-lowend stuff of the then actual hardware, if upgraded wanted/needed. It’s good to read of non-highend stuff all the time though. 1 month ago
I only got the 6650 because it was on sale for $200 or something, I was actually looking for the 6600 but couldn’t find a reasonable deal.
I make enough now that I don’t need to be stingy on hardware, but I honestly don’t max the hardware I have so it just seems wasteful. I probably won’t upgrade until either my NAS dies or the next AMD socket comes out (or there’s a really good deal). I don’t care about RTX, VR kinda sucks on Linux AFAIK, and I think newer AAA games kinda suck.
I’ll upgrade if I can’t play something, but my midrange system is still fine. I’m expecting no upgrades for 3-5 more years.