Comment on A post about a dead game 2 months agoI also made at least one good friend on that game. We keep in touch years later.
Was amusing the idea to try recreate the original game as open source, with due differences like a true rich tech tree and less grind (no need to monetize an open source game after all), and most of all, self hostable server.
But RL is a bitch and free time is hard to come by these days, so.
Yeah the game was pretty addictive and I took the DN fiasco as a good reason to finally quit. I got to RS10. But seeing how rs10 was so much less fun in red stars was also a turn down as well.
I had friends playing rs10 regularly tough, so those where doable and kinda fun too it seems.
Rs9 where real fun tough… Specially done in private corps with three more able and willing partners.
White stars too, I really enjoyed them, maybe I was in a lucky corporation. 2 months ago
I imagine it would be difficult to capture what makes the the original so special and also make improvements. But yes an open source alternative would be wonderful.
Any idea if someone already started a promising project? I did a quick search on Github and found quite a few HS simulators, most of them archived. Didn’t find anything that’s HS inspired. I doubt I’ll find time for it between my other hobbies, but I do have a couple weeks of holiday leftover from last year, so who knows. 2 months ago
Nobody AFAIK. I would like to start something tough. Doesn’t need to share name or resources, just the feeling, the space theme, the PvP and specially coop pve approach… 2 months ago
Let me know if you do. Haven’t ever done any game dev, but I’m mostly a programmer, so maybe I can help with it.