Comment on A post about a dead game ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I started the game in its first year, played for probably five years, got to solid mid Rs9 level, even somewhat enjoyed doing shipments, then one day I suddenly realised that the game was taking up so much time, and unlike before, I wasn’t even looking forward to RS10. So I quit. Kept the game for a while to chat to corp mates and eventually didn’t migrate to DN when it dropped.

My partner got into the game not long after me, he kept playing for a couple more years on and off, got to RS10, managed a few successful runs, then decided RS9 was more fun lol. But after dark nebula he really dropped off. he learned to do the new Red Stars, did a few white stars, and… don’t think he touched it in the last few months.

I did make a few good friend in the game who are still in touch, but I haven’t really thought about HS in so long. This bring up some nostalgia for sure.
