Satanic Nexus - A Firefish instance for atheistic Satanism
Keyoxide - ID proof
Mullem - a Firefox Add On for Lemmy.
- Comment on Child poverty hits record high in UK with nearly 4.5 million in low income households 1 day ago:
They’ll vote Reform.
- Comment on Child poverty hits record high in UK with nearly 4.5 million in low income households 1 day ago:
I’m not sure that I was, which is even more depressing to realise.
- Comment on Child poverty hits record high in UK with nearly 4.5 million in low income households 1 day ago:
Not to worry, Rachel Reeves fantastic plan to decimate the welfare state will take care of this issue - and as an added bonus vastly inflate the value of funeral businesses across the country! Win-win!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
There was a post on some Lemmy community or other yesterday which stated that most Americnas support ideas like universal healthcare (55%) and getting rid of guns from private ownership (mid 60% IIRC).
In that thread someone said it was awful that even amongst progressives the support for universal healthcare was so low and the very few responses to that were basically - :shrug: we’ve been lied to what are we gonna do about it?
The responses to the gun ownership stat were numerous and declared support for ‘second amendment rights’.
When even US progressives are passionately defending the biggest cause of child death in the USA in 2022 but are apathetic about universal healthcare, that’s a uniquely US problem that speaks very much to the level of thinking power available.
- Comment on Meta confirms it is considering charging UK users for ad-free version 1 week ago:
Meta will definitely not be collecting and selling on any more data about users of the ad-free version. We know this because of their spotless track record in privacy and safely implementing algorithms which has, in turn, made them one of the most trusted and trustable companies in the world.
- Comment on More SEND pupils could go to mainstream schools as support shake-up is considered 2 weeks ago:
Like @icerunner_origin@startrek.website I speak from experience when I say this is nothing to do with whats best for kids and all about cutting costs. Forcing kids who need an EHCP into mainstream schools and/or denying them specialist support will help no one - not the pupils, not the staff and not the school.
But its SOP for this red tory government - they’ve already said they’re going to target disabled people claiming PIP and now they’re going to target disabled people in education.
You might think this is because the disabled population have an outlandishly large amount of money allocated to them and its fair that they are targeted. They don’t. The reason the disabled are always the first targeted by any ruler is because that ruler knows that the general population don;t give two shits what happens to disabled people.
There’ll be no protests from society about this in the way we would see if this was an environmental issue or a race issue or a gender issue so for a politician this is a win-win.
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
They’ve been here for some time already.
- Comment on Suppose you were a dissident facing political persecution, how would you preserve your personal files so that you can retrieve it many years later, in case of imprisonment? 3 weeks ago:
In terms of data, put TailsOS on a USB drive, configure persistent storage, download VeraCrypt over TOR, install that, encrypt everything tutorial
What you do with the drive (or drives if you make copies) really depends. If the climate is very wet and warm where you live then storing them outside is going to need very good protection to keep them relatively cool and dry. You’d also have to find somewhere that you can absolutely guarantee isn’t going to get redeveloped or otherwise built on, or conversely, knocked down/demolished for as long as you’re away.
A long term self-storage company might be an idea, or a bank vault, where you’ve paid for (for example) 10 years in advance. Of course that means you have to be absolutely sure the company won’t go bankrupt or be seized by the corrupt regime you’re hiding the data from. You’d also have to have someone else set these up in their name or it could be seized along with you. You then have to hope they don’t get seized, or get dementia or die.
If you have comrades abroad in a safer country, maybe physically mail them the drives before the corrupt regime starts noticing you? Then of course you also have to hope they can return them and haven;t forgotten, died etc.
- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 3 weeks ago:
It’s been a few steps in a concerning direction by them recently. As of right now, it’s still OK to use IMO but I’m sincerely hoping this is the extent of it, or even that they row back some of the recent changes.
However, I still want it to exist because its the only viable alternative at the moment to Google’s dominance. Yes there are plenty of forks (two of which I use) but they still rely on Firefox as the core product. I don’t think any are hard forks (or am I wrong?). I’m very uncomfortable at the thought of using a browser thats based on Chromium and/or unable to run the full version of UBO or have Containerised tabs.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
Not an American but to be honest, both Google and Apple are appalling. Google openly steal all your data and sell it. Apple do similar but on a smaller scale but also claim they’re all about privacy. Both make it difficult to use alternative app stores but with Apple its actually impossible. Phone vendors can and do install their own awful bloat on Android phones. Apple force you to use webkit for any browsing you might want to do, Android’s native GUI is a mess. Nothing Apple put on their devices is open source so all their claims of privacy can never be verified. Both companies constantly try and impose proprietary standards or charge you a bajillion pounds for a fucking pen or some such bullshit.
The key difference for me is I can put something like Calyx or Graphene on an Android device and use a whole open source ecosystem of alternative apps which vastly improves the privacy of my device.
- Comment on HBO's The Last Of Us season two now has a release date in the US and UK 5 weeks ago:
A year or so ago this would’ve been welcome news. But now the real world has become so appallingly dystopian I’m not sure there’s much incentive to watch a TV show based on an appalling dystopia.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If you’re “very open for all kinds of viewpoints” but simultaneously want to not be where left-wing voices are and also think a lot people aren’t left wing then I question the accuracy of your original statement.
I suspect your desire to ‘freely express yourself’ means you want to be a cunt to people in marginalised communities without repercussions.
Weird random mention of CSAM too.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 1 month ago:
You’re trying to find a rationale for some thing (xenophobia) that is utterly irrational. Some people are just shit humans.
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 1 month ago:
So Liz Kendall thinks its odd that in a country where there are no jobs for life anymore, no real job security at all, zero-hour contracts and the bullshit of the ‘gig economy’ are rife, minimum wage is far below what the ever increasing cost of living can afford to pay for, where contracts (where they exist at all) can be redrawn at a moments notice to suit the whim of the employer and where the right to take strike action is pretty much gone has led to a stressed out, exhausted work-force? Or a reluctance to join it?
And then, couple that with the wait times now measured in years to access NHS mental health support and which largely constitutes being offered 4 hours of generic counseling and/or being told to download a fucking app she wonders whats going on and why so many people are so mentally unwell?
Meanwhile MP’s get subsidised food, booze, accommodation costs and vote themselves a pay rise every time its raised in parliament.
You’re taking the fucking piss Liz.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
So your sister, her friends and your friends have an inside joke about someone. An inside joke that you’re not aware of?
- Comment on UK shoplifting on the rise and more brazen, new survey says. 1 month ago:
More accurately, they fear not being able to feed or clothe their children.
I once worked for a national grocery company and the unspoken rule was: if you saw someone taking food, no you didn’t.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Its a good point but my own take on it is that you can’t be the resistance in an environment they totally control. There are plenty of places to organise away from the billionaires control.
I walked away from all Meta platforms under my own name recently as I choose not to have my participation used as tacit endorsement, data collection or ad-money generators for them. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped participating in organising resistance, just that I choose not to do that in a place they have absolute power in.
- Comment on There is a scene in Saving Private Ryan where a soldier gets shot in the helmet and it bounces off. Now a days soldiers seem to get shot in the helmet and it goes right thru. How come and why? 2 months ago:
No idea but I’d guess armour piercing rounds being commonplace these days?
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
The sort of error that only occurs when it might become bad PR.
- Comment on How does interoperability work between different fediverse services? 2 months ago:
Masto to Lemmy works OK. Lemmy to Masto not at all. I have a hazy memory of someone posting to Lemy from a Friendica insance but might be wrong.
Generally, its a bit indifferent.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I fully support the autonomous right of all people to make informed decisions about their own lives and on paper the idea is a no-brainer.
But unless the legislation surrounding it is very, very tight it could easily be misused or abused. We already live in societies where people with disabilities - particularly learning based disabilities - are seen as having less value. I have overheard conversations where people pass comment on people with disabilities such as “Can’t be much of a life”, “would’ve been better for them if they’d died at birth” etc etc.
Amongst the first group of people the Nazi’s targeted were people with disabilities that they referred to as ‘useless eaters’ and subhuman.
I’m not suggesting that laws allowing self-euthanasia are akin to fascism so don’t Godwin me. All I’m saying is that without very strong legislation and a lot of checks, laws like this can be used to justify a lot of things.
- Comment on Anon thinks the French are posers 4 months ago:
The Normans were Vikings - the then Frankish King, Charles, gave them land in north France if they agreed to shut the fuck up and stop murdering everyone in sight. They become known as ‘Northmen’ which contracted to ‘Norsemen’ which contracted to ‘Norman’.
- Comment on Trying to Help 4 months ago:
How To Make An Apple Pie From Scratch has the recipe for that.
(Seriously, it’s a great read - one of my favourite popular science reads since, well, since Sagan.)
- Comment on Support local bands 4 months ago:
I unplugged the bassist but noone
noticedcared. - Comment on It's because of Gerald's Game, isn't it? 4 months ago:
+1 for The Terror. That and Carrion Comfort are my two favourite Dan Simmons novels.
- Comment on reddit cat subs be like: 5 months ago:
Is he quite a big cat, sort of a burnt orange colour, white underbelly with a very, very bushy tail?
- Comment on Anon is God 5 months ago:
- Comment on The Doom mod that turns Margaret Thatcher into an undead cyberdemon has been removed by Bethesda yet again, this time for 'disobeying a ZeniMax employee' 5 months ago:
We do tell people. For example, when you get off the train at Reading station it clearly says “Welcome to Reading”.
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
A is definitely the lesser of two weevils.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Dear Earth, apart from the many terrible things we have done historically, we, the British, are most recently sorry for David Icke, Andrew Wakefield and now Graham Hancock. We have tried to balance this out but one David Attenborough only goes so far.