- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
Well now wait a minute, the Corvette on top may be correct. The car manufacturer puts so many covers on the bottom of cars now the hot wheels might be accurate.
- Comment on Colombia's invasive 'cocaine hippos' are being sterilized, exported and euthanized 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t the last one be enough?
- Comment on 92% of young people would sacrifice other perks for a 4-day workweek—here's what they'd give up 1 year ago:
The extra productivity just increased profits for the company and raise the stock price for investors. The ability to use less manpower increased profits and stock shares. Slowing pay and benefits advancements for the workers increased profits for the company and shareholders.
Companies don’t take the view of all we need to do is break even every year it’s about making more and more money every year. The actual people who put the work in to make those profits mean nothing to upper management and the shareholders they are all replaceable.
If the stock market and mega corporations were gone and there were only small regional privately owned companies you would see a huge difference in workers lives.
- Comment on WIBTA if I didn't pay for the whole family restaurant bill and only my meal? 1 year ago:
If you usually pay the bill and want to change the status quo for whatever reason you should have a discussion well before the lunch date with your sisters informing them of your intentions. That would not make you an asshole.
If you wait for the bill to come and then inform them they will be paying their share, all the while knowing they don’t have the money to pay it would make you the asshole.
In my opinion the lunch dates and the loans are two separate issues and should be treated as such. One has nothing to do with the other.
- Comment on How is former president of the US Donald Trump still free when a lot of the accomplices in things he has been indicted for are already in jail and or prison except him? 1 year ago:
Not all crimes will keep him from being president. Any guilty verdict from Georgia will send him to jail for a minimum of 5 years, no probation, no home detention. The only charges that if found guilty that would disqualify Trump from being president are with Jack Smith. Essentially, Georgia will send him to jail if he lives long enough and it will be possible for Trump to set another first, the first president to serve from jail because he could not pardon himself for state crimes and the governor has very limited pardon powers in Georgia.