- Comment on Bellbirds 7 months ago:
The slave owning flying guy from Tatooine with a gambling problem?
- Comment on Pattern of Brain Damage Is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide 7 months ago:
Have you heard Mohammed Ali or George Foreman speak now?
Also, what do you think will be the discourse when OJ’s brain is confirmed to have CTE? If we have proven cases of brain damage dramatically altering personality, if a person with CTE commits a crime, are they responsible? I’ve heard people with long term use of certain drugs have “dead spots” on functional MRI scans; would those same scans reveal similar results for people who have experienced a TBI or ten?
Science, always providing answers that lead to more questions.
- Comment on Boeing Made a Change to Its Corporate Culture Decades Ago. Now It’s Paying the Price. 1 year ago:
“ Boeing Made a Change to Its Corporate Culture Decades Ago. Now We’re All Paying the Price.”
FTFY New York Times. It’s not like consumers have the power to affect which planes they ride in because airlines look to maximize efficiency for a given route, so it’s not Boeing execs that will die, it’s the 99%. Boeing execs are flying on private jets.
- Comment on Very powerful flashlight 1 year ago:
My opinion is that LEP lights are going to be brighter than anything LED very soon. Right now they’re on basically the first generation of LEP chips, but in a couple of years when engineers figure out the spot/flood distribution for LEP lenses combined with the natural efficiency and brightness gains that come with maturing light technologies…
Now, we just need to make it a rule that all flashlights need potting so they can survive being used in the real world.
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
Have you seen the scrap prices for catalytic converters? Also, the best thieves of all time were the ones that stole the catalytic converters from the police vehicles in a certain major city. Other than taxes paying for their replacements, I’m not even mad, I’m impressed with their hubris.
- Comment on Are smart door locks more or less secure than traditional door locks? 1 year ago:
Firefighters train for exactly such scenarios and will happily go through a nearby wall. The cops struggle with armored doors, but the guys with axes don’t bother.