- Comment on Jonathan Majors has addressed the rumors he'll return as Kang in the MCU and revealed that Kevin Feige didn't respond to the letter he sent him shortly after his trial 5 days ago:
Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions and making shit up, you could calm down and stay in your lane instead.
- Comment on Jonathan Majors has addressed the rumors he'll return as Kang in the MCU and revealed that Kevin Feige didn't respond to the letter he sent him shortly after his trial 6 days ago:
I need there to be literally nothing new produced that has superheroes in it for, let’s say, about 35 years. And let’s toss the entire horror genre in there too. We need a cleansing moratorium on the two biggest forms of direct-to-dumpster entertainment.
- Comment on my avatar 6 days ago:
He looks like that one Homestar Runner fan’s unintentional dumpy Robert Smith costume
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 6 days ago:
Offer alternatives such as all-beef radio, or turkey radio.
Insert “soy radio” / [radio station you dislike] joke here
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
Needless to say, any gap time is spent jelqing and mewing while spamming racism online with your other hand.
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
It’s all part of the grindset.
4:00 AM: wake up
4:01 AM: ice cold shower. Use Lava soap on your entire body. Does it hurt? Good.
4:06 AM: breakfast. Blend 6 raw egg yolks, 1L scoop of Mazuri Primate Growth & Repro gorilla feed, one can of Monster Ultra Zero, and 4x the recommended creatine for your weight
4:09 AM: sprint around your house punching walls and letting out defeating kiai
4:29 AM: inject steroids
4:30 AM: lift. 120 sets of two half-reps back, arms, chest.
5:30 AM: rest 5:30:30 AM: that’s enough rest, soy boy. Legs and squats, 120 sets of two half-reps.
6:00 AM: get dressed in a Big Dogs T-shirt and jorts.
6:02 AM: leave for work. On foot. In the street. Barefoot. Take a pocket full of sparkplugs and smash the windows of every car that gets within arm’s length.
6:45 AM: arrive at office. Visit every break room and throw away any donuts or cakes you find. Inspect lunches.
7:00 AM: clock in
7:01 AM: do email. Berate everyone you come into contact with. If they haven’t made any mistakes, bring up old ones. Assert your dominance.
7:10 AM: go AWOL with an autoclicker running and hit the gym
7:11 AM: inject steroids
7:12 AM: start deadlifting. If you’re not comfortable with the weight, lift it till you are. If you’re comfortable with your weight, add more. Don’t be a fucking pussy. Make sure to throw the weight at the floor every time, don’t just drop it like a beta.
1:25 PM: leave gym. Scream as loud as you can directly into a cardio bunny’s ear on the way out.
1:30 PM: lunch. Boiled chicken with broccoli and oatmeal. You don’t eat rice anymore. Add one full bottle of Carolina reaper sauce. If you don’t use the whole bottle, put the leftovers in your fucking purse.
1:35 PM: start shitting to expel breakfast. I didn’t say go be an obedient little boy who meekly goes poopy in the toilet like society commands, be a fucking man and shit where you please without warning.
1:40 PM: use a coworker’s desk phone to call in a bomb threat to a random police station.
1:42 PM: push-ups to failure.
2:00 PM: get money. Close deals and make decisions.
3:45 PM: leave early. Tell the receptionist to clock you out later or you’ll piss in her car’s air intake again.
3:46 PM: piss in her car’s air intake anyway
3:47 PM: inject steroids
3:48 PM: start listening to the Bible in Georgian in your left ear and Wagner in your night ear, and hit the gym
3:50 PM: nude squats. Fart boisterously.
4:50 PM: leave for home.
5:35 PM: arrive home and enter through the highest window. Free climb your house to get there.
5:36 PM: start gooning
3:55 AM: go to sleep - Comment on this is a cry for help 1 week ago:
Why is there a circle around 90% of the text? It would have taken less time in the same editing screen to crop out the introduction if it isn’t relevant.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
Folly. You’re living proof.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
Don’t use inexact language if you don’t mean it. Think carefully— do you mean everything?
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
But iphones can’t use Firefox with uBlockOrigin and NoScript
- Comment on Kingdom Come Dev Believes Unreal Is Ill-Suited For Open World Games, And Is Slowing Down Work On Witcher 4 1 month ago:
Oh wow, Unreal is a mediocre engine? Who could have guessed?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
- Comment on I don't exactly remember it that way 1 month ago:
I have yet to see even one of these where the author got through the entire caption without any mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, on capitalization.
- Comment on The life 1 month ago:
- Comment on The life 1 month ago:
No, but it is literally about a specific phone operating system. You should check in your NAS for information about context.
- Comment on The life 1 month ago:
Look at this poor urchin who deletes files instead of hoarding garbage for over a decade
- Comment on Seasonal depression 1 month ago:
The palmaris longus, also known as genetic superiority over those with slightly less pinch strength.
- Comment on The life 1 month ago:
Is this some kind of walled garden phone meme that my 1TB microSD card can’t understand?
- Comment on Seasonal depression 1 month ago:
Unaffected gang checking in. I’m also lactose tolerant and I have the extra tendon in my thumb. If anyone suffers from SAD, I recommend drinking a gallon of milk a day.
- Comment on GG Bond is the new Pooh 2 months ago:
That was always contrived and you know it.
- Comment on A delicate balance 2 months ago:
There’s a button for that.
- Comment on A delicate balance 2 months ago:
“This person held this opinion”
“There are several reasons that may be an inaccurate and reductive account of that person’s opinions and of historical events in general”
“Okay but, for real, that’s so wishy washy bro. Context? That’s just, like, a term. How pathetic.”
You’re making a great case for the Catholic Church burning uneducated people alive for voicing opinions.
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 months ago:
This is the exact reason I don’t fuck with fast food anymore. Fuck a $13 fast food meal, I expect to pay one digit of dollars for a large combo, with tax, or I expect to be personally edged by the franchise owner while I eat my meal.
- Comment on Putin's 'sovereign' gaming console projects detailed, found lacking 2 months ago:
I think you’re talking past me a little. I’m saying the state of Russia now isn’t materially different from Cuba, Laos, North Korea et al
- Comment on Grim Dawn, one of the best ARPGs, is on sale right now ($2.50) 2 months ago:
Grim Dawn makes Diablo look like a joke, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
- Comment on Putin's 'sovereign' gaming console projects detailed, found lacking 2 months ago:
It’s a failed state where the tinpot dictator who runs it is also a gangster who runs rackets out of all national industries. That’s the only kind of state that Communism has ever produced, so you might as well call it that.
- Submitted 2 months ago to videos@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Comment on Yes Chef 2 months ago:
“Well why don’t you order some of that Cantina chicken crap? Look, we’re not taking it off the menu. A Group VP’s mistress came up with it. Do you have any idea how much money we have tied up in this?! I have a gun.”
- Comment on Tawny Newsome Says Live Action Star Trek Workplace Comedy Will Explore Life Outside The Federation 2 months ago:
It began with Generations, really. The point that we don’t need more sloppy, shitty Star Trek content still stands.
- Comment on Picture of perhaps real alien space ship compared to perhaps someone else’s drawing of the same or similar ship perhaps from when they were abducted. Other research and info included in this post. 2 months ago:
You need to take your schizophrenia meds