- Comment on Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less 8 months ago:
How is it messy for the employer to keep wages at market prices?
You don’t have to match anything or contend with mass quitting if you just pay the going rate to start with.
- Comment on Im converting my boyfriend to linux, first step thigh high! 8 months ago:
I’m only happy to help <3
- Comment on Im converting my boyfriend to linux, first step thigh high! 8 months ago:
(they’re awkwardly asking for a poly 'shipping, most probably as a way to express that you guys are too cute :)
- Comment on U.S. workers are less satisfied with nearly every aspect of their jobs than they were a year ago, survey finds 9 months ago:
Nothing to show and a day closer do death, as the song goes.
- Comment on The physics will continue until morale is improved. 9 months ago:
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Lol. Check your privilege.
A. Do a carbon footprint analysis of your life, if it’s above 2,5 tons coe/year you’re a net burden on the planet. My country is as well, although considerably lower than the US.
B. It is possible for you to be a paragon of environmentalism and still live in a country with inefficient systems for water, infrastructure, zoning, industry and food production. Not to mention live in a culture of unsustainable lifestyle. Many Chinese or Indian persons are simply too poor to have a major impact on the environment, but their national industrial practices drive up the average pollution to levels comparable to the US (although still lower). Most US people aren’t as poor, and also have shitty industry standards, and also the means to change that without losing your standing internationally.
C. Multiple countries are shitty, in fact most of the non-developing world countries are a net burden.
D. As opposed to the other countries at the top, the US has had the economy, data, and access to resources to be able to something about it for generations, whereas most have had half the time and considerable need of modernising.
E. The US is much larger than the other countries, and could with quite simple measures make great impact and help pressure other great polluters.
- Comment on The physics will continue until morale is improved. 9 months ago:
Graphene, the superconductor hoax, the quantum electron model all would like to disagree.
Even though you might not need to calculate anything with it, it certainly applies in your daily life. (although the electron model maybe mostly for high school students)
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
I’m comfortable saying yes to that
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
- Comment on Migration has failed to drive economic growth, warns report 9 months ago:
Thanks for linking!
But lol, that is such an obviously biased report with vague eyebrow waving suggestions that immigrants are to blame for everything.
None of the charts or trends they present are consistent in their effect, haven’t controlled for anything (the major point is lowered GDP per capita while immigration spiked five years ago, but the Brexit drop started well before then, and the exodus of specialist EU-migrants isn’t even mentioned), and don’t actually say anything except look at this red line next to a thing getting worse.
CPS is why you should view every “Think tank” as a lobbyist organisation, and their materials as sales flyers…
- Comment on Migration has failed to drive economic growth, warns report 9 months ago:
Wow, this is a useless editorial.
No link to the report, unclear if the report takes into account years since migration (it takes time to learn language, develop networks, and climb ladders), some indication that the trouble is that migrants end up in low paying jobs (which of course would decrease GDP), and no comment on the fairly obvious question on what the integration policy says about time frames.
Also, it puts all of the post-Brexit decline at the door of the immigrants, which seems ridiculous.
This reads like a hit piece from conservatives in preparation for election season.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 9 months ago:
@toboggonablaze is essentially correct, but let my try explain it in a slightly different way.
Lasers do a bunch of things to basically shoot a stream of photons at something. There’s basically two ways you can affect how much energy comes out of a laser, you can make the stream denser (more photons per second) - called intensity, or you can increase the energy in each photon.
The weird part about photon energy is that higher energy photons are of a different “color”, where red is lower than green, is lower than blue, is lower than gamma rays, etc.
So changing the color of a laser already means you’ve changed how much energy it can output.
Then there’s another part of your question: how lead gets heated up. Different materials respond differently to different types/wavelengths of light, an example you might be familiar with is that glass panes let through visible light, but not the heat from the sun, or that water also is see through, but can easily be microwaved (by microwaves - low frequency light).
Basically, a material can be more or less “translucent” in certain frequencies. I’d like to look lead up for you, but Google isn’t cooperating today. But basically, there are frequencies that lead will be more and less susceptible to.
That’s probably not what you meant with the question, but if that’s the application you want to use the laser for, you might want to take it into consideration.
So, in summary: color is energy, intensity is energy, you can change both independently, so your question doesn’t quite make sense.
Also, different targets will heat differently, also not making it a fair comparison.
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
This is such an understated but useful description in this context. It’s also how I understood algebra for applied matrix computation.
- Comment on "Batch cooking" how do you store meal for the second half of the week ? 10 months ago:
How long food lasts in a fridge will also depend on your climate, cooling speed (as mentioned elsewhere), fridge cleanliness, and how much you use your fridge.
Keeping everything covered with lids/clingfilm and/or everything vegetarian/vegan will also prolong fridge life. Keeping out ethylene (bananas, apples) from your fridge also helps.
I just had a soup batch in a few covered jars stay good for 9 days. In summertime things sometimes go bad in a single day.
The best measure is your own senses, if the food smells or looks bad, it probably is. And even then you can sometimes recook it (wilted vegetables can often be used in soup, stew, or even pie), especially if you catch it early.
Also here’s a neat summary with some other tips and tricks.
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
Not really true, it’s part of religious shame propaganda in 12 step programs to make you more susceptible to conversion.
Might be effective in the short term, but has many other negative psychological effects.
Secular rehab programs are equally or more effective, and require no such shame or disempowerment.
- Comment on Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use? 11 months ago:
I don’t know where you’re at, but around here there are stores with refurbished phones, where you can play with last year’s models, and buy them at low-mid range prices. Sometimes they have 2-3 year old phones at a steal, some of the online ones have generous return policies as well, where you can try it for a bit and then send it back.
- Comment on Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use? 11 months ago:
I’ve had Samsung androids for over a decade, and they’ve had smoother animation and less loading lag since about iPhone 4 (which I’ve used for work in the same period). They’ve also had comparable feedback on presses.
Then again, the HTC androids I’ve tried occasionally have been real bad, so I get the question.
You shouldn’t have to rely on the words of Internet random though, go try one out.
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
Thank you for providing sources.
I’m still not clear how your data supports "having issues pre-2020, your data only shows a 2008 dip, which we’ve explained as a one-off event that UK recovered from before the dip 2020. There’s no Brexit dip, which seems suspect, but I’m unwilling to trawl through raw data sources and so will cede that maybe it didn’t dip in 2014.
Then we still have the 2019-2020 dip, which coincides with Covid and Hard Brexit. Covid effects aren’t expected until 2020, whereas Brexit ones would be felt 2019. Even if we disagree about why, I see no no indication at all in your data, that there were problems pre-2020, no significant dip in neither GDP nor productivity. So where does your conclusion come from?
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
Please provide a source.
According to Worldbank GDP/capita increased from '94-07, dove with the financial crisis, rose again until 2014, and then dove with Brexit, then dove with Covid/hard Brexit. Almost recovered 21, but is currently trending slightly downward, probably hobbled by war making recovery efforts difficult.
Brexit seems to have set the economy back about 5-6 years of growth, and is also dampening new growth (making recovery slower).
The data does not support your conclusion.
- Comment on suck it, math nerds 11 months ago:
Bah, the universe is too messy and disordered to be worth the trouble
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 11 months ago:
On the topic of pie of the week.
You can make dishes with similarly upcycled leftovers in burritos, stir frys, pizza, pasty/pirog, and often in a pasta and/or au gratin (with melted cheese on top). Although I find none of them are quite as versatile as the quiche, they are excellent for variety.
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 11 months ago:
It looks like a reasonable buy for what you’re probably used to in terms of cooking, convenience and diet. As long as you get at least one cooked meal in you each day, you’re doing good. Don’t sweat it if you don’t want to, there’s plenty of other things to worry about.
If you are looking for some input, I would probably add more varied sources of protein (lentils, nuts, eggs, beans) and fiber (carrots, cabbage, kale, wholegrain), but I also live on another continent and have both other availability and tradition than you might.
If you’re worried that your food is too expensive, there’s plenty of suggestions in the other replies better geared toward US markets, but I’ll also add that you could make groceries last much longer by learning a bit more about cooking. A lot can be gained by using/substituting with local or seasonal ingredients, as well as re-using leftovers and scraps in creative ways.
If learning cooking is a steep lifestyle change, you could also find a group to share the burden with. Do weekly meal preps together, or for each other, or do batch cooking of condiments/pickles/sauces and swap with each other. It’s a fun way to learn from each other, keep to the habit, and might even be a nice way to get to know someone.
Cooking 3 dishes (to get enough variety) for the week’s meal prep is a big ask, but you could do one batch each and swap with a couple of friends.
Doing batch cooking and canning of sauces is also an excellent way to use up ingredients that are on their way out. Found cheap second assortment tomatoes on a farmer’s market? Pasta sauce for a week! Got too much milk? Make some cheese! Someone’s apple tree yielding too much fruit? Apple sauce, dried apple crisp/cubes/snacks, base for indian/far east curries/stews, in salads, drinks, snacks as fresh whole apples or wedges, made into jam/marmelade, used as substitute for potatoes or tomatoes, and/or as part of delicious pie or other dessert.
Also: leftovers can almost always be put into a pie crust (water, flour, butter/oil), covered with shredded cheese, and become a Quiche du semaine/pie of the week. With practice you’ll find how much of carbs, protein, fibers and flavouring you prefer in it, and you’ll make an actual great dish you look forward to.
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 11 months ago:
That’s when you do weekly preps.
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
Simple, USAmerican