- Comment on That's a big burger 5 months ago:
I’m in the UK so didn’t see the last one but during the previous one I found looking around at the darkness and observing how all the birds went quiet was a bigger deal than the actual eclipse of the sun. I mean that was still really cool, but the dark and stillness was uncanny.
- Comment on If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully? 9 months ago:
Don’t worry, I have a life threatening illness and reduced life expectancy anyway. And I’m not suicidal. It was already my preferred way to go, this ordeal with my mum just made it crystal clear in my mind. Thankfully I have access to everything I need already so I wouldn’t get anyone else in trouble and my loved ones understand my decision and feel similarly. It being legal would be a bonus, but I’m not letting a law stop me.
- Comment on If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully? 9 months ago:
My mums been in hospital for 10 weeks. She only 62 and was admitted for a fairly routine infection after chemo for breast cancer. Since she’s been in hospital I’ve lost count of all the things that have gone wrong but the most distressing thing is the hospital delirium she’s developed. I’d never have believed my mum could become so violent and abusive, it’s like she’s a completely different person. She has absolutely no agency over her body at the moment, she can’t even sit up unaided. It’s so horribly undignified that it’s completely cemented my decision to commit suicide once I get a terminal diagnosis (or a diagnosis that I know I couldn’t deal with graciously). I can’t have children so it’s a small comfort that I won’t inflict the pain and heartbreak I’m experiencing from my mum, but I don’t ever want to treat my partner how she’s treating my dad. I’m going out on my own terms if at all possible.
- Comment on don't listen to big gravity!!!!! 9 months ago:
- too
- Comment on I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping 10 months ago:
I’m high risk as I’m immunosuppressed. I’ve had 8 vaccines, shielded for well over a year and always wore a mask. I finally caught COVID last week. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I would have died already if I hadn’t been vaccinated. My oxygen saturation levels just keep dropping - 90% today. I’m going to have to go to hospital ☹️
- Comment on Anon is a social engineer 1 year ago:
even wanked off to a few photos sent by bots.
- Comment on Peak organization 1 year ago:
I have this problem when I shuffle my liked songs on Spotify. Someone suggested clearing the cache which has improved it slightly.
- Comment on My ex wants me back 1 year ago:
Thank you for asking so I didn’t look like an idiot too! Wait…
- Comment on hmm 1 year ago:
Can you even hear yourself?! Jesus Christ. I’ll leave you to reveal in your misplaced superiority complex, but fyi non apologies aren’t subjective and yours are a textbook case. It’s not the most pressing lesson you need to learn, but if you’re going to go through life being such an arse you should at least know how to apologise properly.
- Comment on hmm 1 year ago:
You’re not being downvoted for “caring”, you’re being downvoted for sounding like condescending, pompous arse. If you’re not purposefully trying to be a dick, you might want to try developing your empathy skills. And ditch the non-apologies, they just make you seem even more disingenuous.
- Comment on My incisions from ankle surgery have hit the itchy stage of healing and it's driving me crazy 1 year ago:
I didn’t know they treated headaches with gabapentin! Is that prescribed off label? How’s it working for you?
I took a look at your post history to see if you mentioned an underlying diagnosis and saw you’ve taking antidepressants. There are a couple that help nerve pain, secondary to acting as an SSRI; duloxetine and venlafaxine. If you’re not already on one of those and the nerve damage becomes painful, it might be worth asking if you can try one of those.
- Comment on My incisions from ankle surgery have hit the itchy stage of healing and it's driving me crazy 1 year ago:
You didn’t say whether you were talking about the nerve pain or the itching mentioned in the title, so I was clarifying.
- Comment on My incisions from ankle surgery have hit the itchy stage of healing and it's driving me crazy 1 year ago:
Gabapentin is great for long term nerve pain, but I can’t imagine a doctor prescribing gabapentin for something as short term as wound healing - at least not in the UK. Heat, distraction, OTC antihistamines and maybe a prescription for something like zopiclone for short term relief if the itching is preventing sleep completely, should provide enough relief from the itchiness.
OP, I’m not sure if you can stand at the moment, but be extra careful when standing up if the loss of feeling extends to your foot. I have neuropathy and dislocated my ankle just getting up off the sofa before it was diagnosed. It definitely takes some getting used to and taking more care over how you step. Get well soon!
- Comment on UK inflation falls sharply to 4.6% 1 year ago:
Energy firms have made record profits since the war started. Perhaps the government could have taxed them more or put limits on how much wealth they could amass while more and more people choose between eating and heating? Idk. I’m not an economist or a politician, but I’m pretty sure there’s something the tories could have done better…
- Comment on Ring finger interactions with pinkie 1 year ago:
I’m gonna say no, it doesn’t count. Mainly cos I can move one with just a twitch from the other and I’m not special at all.
- Comment on Reading different languages 1 year ago:
Yep, increasing the text size helped a little, but adjusting the spacing, alignment and margins helped a lot. I keep the margins thin/small, the alignment left justified and the spacing moderate-wide. Those adjustments plus the more legible font has made reading almost as easy as before my eyesight was damaged. I do have to focus more though, or the words/letters in the centre of my vision go walkabout!
- Comment on Judges to rule on whether tenants in England have right to keep a pet 1 year ago:
Ah, it’s not OPs sentiment, they were summing up the article? My bad.
- Comment on Reading different languages 1 year ago:
I was able to show that people who stutter “stutter” when they read silently, as well as reading aloud! Although pressure/stress also makes stuttering worse, as you said.
That anticipation you mentioned - it’s called your phonological loop. It’s a cognitive process that happens subconsciously when we form words in our heads before speaking or as we’re reading. One school of thought about the cause of stuttering (and what my research supported) was that people who stutter are over vigilant in their phonological loop. Everyone analyses their speech before it’s articulated to a certain extent, but people who stutter seem to over analyse it like they’re almost expecting an error due to their stutter. That over analysis increases cognitive load and makes you even more likely to stutter; a self fulfilling prophecy, as you said.
I’ll take a look at my literature review later if I get a chance - I’ll let you know if I can find a paper about the effect of fonts.
- Comment on Judges to rule on whether tenants in England have right to keep a pet 1 year ago:
I completely disagree. I’ll never get a mortgage because I can’t work. That doesn’t mean I can’t look after my cat - I take better care of her than I do myself! I wasn’t ill when I first got her - I had no idea I’d be permanently unable to work within a year of getting her. Should I have lost my pet as well as my health, my job, my future? Not if I could look after her properly, which I do. Here in the UK, the RSPCA help people like me who got a pet and then suffered an unforeseen change in circumstances. They offer heavily reduced vet care and vaccinations because being low income/disabled/elderly/not owning a freaking house doesn’t mean you can’t be a loving, responsible pet owner.
No one can see into the future or know what will befall us. Aren’t an alarming percentage of people just a couple of paycheques away from losing their homes? Should no one get a pet just in case something bad happens in the future? No. That’s ridiculous.
That’s not to say I’m not sensible about it. I really really want a dog, but I know that would stretch my finances too far. I will take in my mums cats when she passes away though - and they we be loved and cared for, despite my failure to own a house.
- Comment on Reading different languages 1 year ago:
I sustained damage to my macular last year and switched my kindle font to open dyslexic (as well as make the text larger and more spaced out) after reading became harder. That font helped to “anchor” the words down, particularly in the middle of my vision. Someone suggested a hyperlegible font which works almost as well but is better looking. From my very limited experience, I find the Cyrillic alphabet harder to read than the Roman alphabet - but that could just be my lack of familiarity with it. I learnt a little Ukrainian but only using duolingo.
I don’t know if this little nugget of info might help you, but years ago I was doing a PhD in psycholinguistics. I vaguely remember that different fonts can have an effect on comprehension and recall. I briefly considered an experiment to see if stuttering could be induced by different scripts. That was a long time ago though, I don’t know if that’s still the accepted case.
- Comment on When the pizza party is too expensive, you go with the EncourageMint 1 year ago:
I don’t know man, my sister in law just got made redundant while she and her family were on holiday. They rang her out of the blue while she was abroad to tell her. Who the fuck thinks that’s a good idea?! “Oh hey, you have no job now and just 4 weeks severance. But lemme ruin the last holiday you be able to afford for a long while by telling you now when there absolutely nothing you can do but worry about it”. Someone made that decision instead of waiting just 48 hours. Fuckers.
- Comment on Be a gentleman 1 year ago:
Do marine biologists usually scuba dive naked?
- Comment on Can hair be straightened permanently? 1 year ago:
I’ve know four people, including myself who suffered hair loss with chemo. All our hair grew back more curly initially but eventually returned to pre chemo curliness.
- Comment on Covid booster jabs to be approved for sale to UK public 1 year ago:
Tbf, even the full version is slightly unclear unless you read it carefully.