Yo, big on plants hmu if you need anything!
- Comment on Idk how they did it 4 weeks ago:
Shows how in 2025 gamers are still oppressed
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
Ive had quite a few bad trips; but i dont really do high doses mostly in the 2-3.5 g range, and i feel like mine are more sad/depressed over like scary or freaky
Lowkey i kinda like them now, i think its nice to emotionally get everything out and “start new” in a sense
I will say, at least for me it is very hard to hold off a bad trip when it starts, insert stereotypical ‘go with the flow’ mantra.even with preparation you could still have one
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
Tbf if you just dive in and heroic dose based on a lemmey meme without doing your own research on it (as you should do with any drug ur planning to take) i feel like it was a lil deserved
My recommendation: research like an hour or two on effects/what to expect/how long/etc and start small like 1.5g or less depending on how fimilar you are with drugs (like weed or even a bit of alcohol) . If you like it you can always do more the next time
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
As other posters have mentioned, at least for about a year now the bot crisis is pretty much over :)
Or at least its rare to find cheater/bots, i more often join dead lobbies over bot lobbies (which a quick reque fixes)
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
Yes i have a community server that fits the top half of the green text,
24/7 Quick spawn dustbowl(with teams that are balanced 😅) is p much the best fun i have when gaming
- Comment on K?? 3 months ago:
I remember seeing this, ppl in my server were debating if the plant was actually ok or not lol
- Comment on sassyfrazz 4 months ago:
sassafras is my favorite tree (best colors and sented ), all you maple fanatics can eat dirt
- Comment on Gardening 7 months ago:
True tho we always get quite alot of volunteers anyhoo
- Comment on Anon remembers Halloween 1995 7 months ago:
Agreed nothing adds flavor layers to a dish like an onion can
- Comment on No matter what I do before I die, I will not have a gravestone this cool. 7 months ago:
Agreed, tho i feel like vw bus iconography leans more towards a hippy symbol than the actual Volkswagen brand
- Comment on Somewhere at the bottom is a Mandalorian having a very bad day 7 months ago:
i NEED this pit
- Comment on How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" 8 months ago:
Or heres a good youtube channel/ vid on it that goes into detial
Or if your interested in paleontology discoverys/theorys they also do monthy reviews about new papers that have came out! And i feel like raptor chatter explains it simple enough to me to understand even with no background in the field 😅
- Comment on Anon questions Light Yagami 8 months ago:
and no apple cores in the trash either…
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Thats what i was thinking, i love bluecheese!
- Comment on Talking about your hobbies 9 months ago:
Agreed, my houseplants (one of my hobbies) helps me mentaly, id feel so much worse if i let them down (vs myslef) and i get that much more joy when they are happy with my care (new flower/leaf/etc)
- Comment on 9 months ago:
Just means that not a lot of ppl downvoted; your downvote isnt special
- Comment on Anon watches a work site 9 months ago:
Resdfugee42 when someone makes one of the most common grammar mistakes in the english language, and works a ‘lesser job’ acoording to them:
- Comment on Anon watches a work site 9 months ago:
As somone whos worked construction, ppl like these are kinda annoying (tbf not as annoying as homeowners who are out there trying to talk to you the whole time) but it feels like a teacher standing behind you as your taking a test
- Comment on People are realizing celebrities are unnecessary 9 months ago:
Im glad i never got into influencers; its weird hearing about people who care about them
- Comment on What hath Culver’s wrought? 1 year ago:
Undeniably the best fast food chain
- Comment on Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? 1 year ago:
Which i get, finding and keeping workers to work those odd hours can be hard and it is nice to get out of work at decent times if you do work at one of those places… besides bars if ur over 21or movies, i cant think of annother place to go when it gets late