- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 5 days ago:
The bee die-offs, that one typically hears about, has nothing to do with honey bees. Honey bees don’t show any signs of going extinct. Its may of the other bee species, which are dying off. And that is bad because of the species liking different specific plants, which often rely on this bee species to be pollinated.
- Comment on Heartbreaking 1 week ago:
Ooohhhh, now I see that it is Ellen. I first thought it was Bernd Höcke, a current polititian for the nazi party AfD in germany XD
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Surely not relevant in this case, but in the german novel “The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear” a Bollock is a giant creature (as in multiple km high), who at some point in his life takes his head of, puts it on the ground and spends the next centuries searching for his head. I think that is funny.
- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 1 month ago:
This would be easily mittigates by the keyfob using a rolling code. The attacker can record the signal, so the car will also have received it. A replay of that specific code won’t work again. That is a principle used in cheap garage door fobs for many years. So I guess keyless fobs would have at least that level of security.
Better would be a cryptographic encryption using public/private key (already done in chip cards, so common technology). Though - looking at the dumb things car manufacturers did - I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t use private/public keys for this.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 1 month ago:
In the way it is phrased I would second this. The problem is, that it faults the disabled person for the life problem of those around them (THEY are ruining other peoples life). The discourse never ever blames the disabled person here. Doing so will land you in a bad discussive corner - together with the common argumentation of nazis. Though the question of abortion (as stated by OP) is not as clear cut.
- Comment on Communism 2 months ago:
Ah, so it is just a case of a specific definition of “state”. What are the attributes of a state in that definition (as they do not include "the Administration of Things)? Goes totally against my intuition with that word
- Comment on Communism 2 months ago:
Maybe you can clarify for me, as I’m not knowlegeble in Marxism: When the state withers away, what is the central organisation called, that manages the means of production? I thought that would also be called functions of a state. Thanks
- Comment on Where is the line between meeting somebody halfway and being a doormat with no personality? 2 months ago:
Drawing clear boundaries for yourself is a good thing and has nothing to do with narcissism. They are about what is important to you. Disagreement over such boundaries can mean the end of the relationship, for the better.
Though it sounds like you are somewhat overcompensating in some areas due to your family experiences (I might be wrong in that). A serious relationship also means meeting the partners needs. If you draw the boundaries so hard to rule out any compromise, then dating will be very difficult, maybe impossible. So you need to be clear with yourself of what is really important and where you can compromise.
Your examples are very different. First its about “doing something” for her, which is too vague to answer. Might be anything. Just using the phrase “Do it for me” is not manipulative in my view. It might be something that is important for her. If you can compromise on that, why not meeting her need? If not, then communicate it and the reasons clearly. If thats a problem for her, the relationship can still just end.
Then its about keeping contact with your family or potentially nursing your parents. That seems to be a hard (and probably healthy) boundary for you. She should accept that. Though talking about it in a non-pressuring way is ok.
And the last two examples are these low stakes situations, where probably the communication is going wrong. These are easily solvable without much drama, by compromising (and yes, ording from different restaurants or having one person cook while the other orders is also a compromise). Do you know the 4 sides of a message? I think it is a quite important concept about communication, since sometimes the anger or sadness, that you her from your partner are not really about what they are saying. Human communcation can be quite complex.
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 3 months ago:
A few months ago a german activist wrote a book about how low and middle positions in government agencies can work against the governments intentions in case of a extreme right wing takeover by the AFD. Though I don’t know, if it was translated to english or would be 1 to 1 applicable to the USA.
- Comment on Chinese social media companies remove posts ‘showing off wealth and worshipping money’ while the gap between the country's rich and poor widens 9 months ago:
Sounds as dumb of an idea as the one child policy
- Comment on Is the combined knowledge of humanity safer than it has ever been? 11 months ago:
How could one protect electronics/hard disks/etc from a Crrington type event?
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
What people want in life often comes from what they experienced themselves previously. You mentioned charity. I’ve put 13 years of my life into being a scouts group leader, organizimg weekly meetups, many events and multiple scout camps a year. I’m very passionate about this, since I’ve got so much out of being a scout since I was 7, growing up with a community, that was meaningful and not harsh and punishing as school. I wanted tp give these experience back to the next scout generation. And during my time as scout group leader I could grew even more, making my own life better through helping others. Soon I will shift my focus away from the scouts (currently its too much together with work; also I want kids soon).
I’m not saying, that you need to do this. I just wanted to explain where my motivation comes from. I get a sense of fulfilment and I’m proud of what I’ve done and I’m proud of the kids, that I saw growing up and now being group leaders themselves.
Finding something, that you are passionate about is very important. It doesn’t need to include external responsibilities. Taking responsibility for your own self, like putting in hard work to learn a new skill, can be as fulfilling as the above.
- Comment on Social media lobby group sues US State for protecting children from Meta, TikTok and Snapchat 1 year ago:
Which then wouldn’t be a legally full verification of your age, thus the legislation would probably require some other means. We currently have a similar discussion in the EU regarding porn sites. Verification methods could be showing your id card and your face to a webcam, or showing up at a verification office in person (at least in germany we have this with our national postal service). Of course the porn sites don’t want to implement this. And I cannot really blame them. Nobody would give a random porn site their real identity and it would still be very easy to get porn without verification.
Age verification on social media is very similar.