- Comment on eggs in japan 4 weeks ago:
No - the US and Europe developed two different methods for handling salmonella.
Starting in the 1970s, the US chose to wash the eggs. The upside is that it eliminates virtually all risk. The downside is that it requires refrigeration throughout the entire supply line, but since they are refrigerated, US eggs last a lot longer; unrefrigerated eggs last about three weeks while refrigerated eggs last about 50 days.
Large portions of Europe didn’t have the infrastructure to support this so the regulators instead chose to vaccinate the chickens. The upside is that no extra steps are required and no extra equipment like refrigerated trucks. The downside is that they don’t last as long.
Both methods work about equally well and are both considered acceptable.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
I mean, Washington wanted 2 terms to be the norm.
He didn’t, that’s just a whitewashed version we tell ourselves.
He just didn’t want the President to be viewed as a monarch or a lifetime appointment. He turned down a third term because he feared he would die in office and the public would believe that’s the norm.