- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
He should consider himself lucky you call him dad. I know some fathers who are simply referred to by their first name by their children.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Some of the audience was behind him. He just really wanted to get the message across 😒
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
They’re for real Nazi supporters
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
Of course! And it’s actually Outer Wilds I’m referring to; I haven’t played Outer Worlds yet so I can’t comment on it. They have very similar names unfortunately so it’s easy to mix them up.
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
Thanks for the suggestion! Ill add it to my wishlist 😊 I also added the games I hadn’t played from your list so thanks for that as well!
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
I would also add the following to your list (also outside the 100 hour req, but still 100% enjoyable):
Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip
Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds may be obvious to anyone who has played it, but it would be a shame to leave it unmentioned as it is my favorite game of all time and seemingly universally loved. And Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip is just stupidly entertaining - impossible to stop once you start playing.
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 3 months ago:
Oh yeah you’re totally right - OP made a typo :P
- Comment on My post was removed because it was not political? 3 months ago:
I would assume they meant they posted on reddit initially - which could also help explain why it was removed 🙃
- Comment on This Op Shop seems to have ordered their secondhand books by colour for some reason 3 months ago:
mildly satisfying and infuriating at the same time!
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 11 months ago:
Mine was ruined by traffic and my clutch burning out due to the +8 hour traffic. currently waiting for a tow =(
- Comment on we are devolving 1 year ago:
The truly, mildly infuriating thing is that they will most likely charge you as soon as the trial ends unless you cancel.
As someone who already likes the product: The trial is just a bonus - you get that time for free.
As someone who actively dislikes the product: You’ll likely only use the trial if it’s absolutely necessary.
As someone who is skeptical of the product: You may want to use the trial to help decide whether you like the product.
As someone who is frugal: You would not want to get charged for something unnecessarily.
If I’m skeptical and frugal, I’d be wary of starting a trial which automatically charges me at the end. I’d be more likely to seek alternatives. Apple may not target this demographic to begin with so the point could be moot with this example… but regardless, the fact that many “free” trials do this is probably mildly infuriating to anyone who is skeptical and frugal.
Additionally, when I do find a true free trial, I would be inclined to take that as a sign that the product speaks for itself and that I’m not going to get ripped off.