- Comment on Day 232 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 4 days ago:
Dunno when you played it but they’ve added tons of shit in the past years, so it might be worth it to give it another chance.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
You realize that the plane pictured, an SR-71, possibly the coolest plane ever made, has been phased out many years ago? Another sign the USA isn’t what it used to be! /s
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
4 is the best “old” civ in that it still has square tiles and doomstacks. Also the modding scene is insane for 4, massive total makeovers that make it a completely different game, far more interesting mods than any other civ game.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
Good to hear how it compares, I was curious about that but reviewers aren’t talking about it.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
They stole that and some other mechanics from Humankind, a game by the same studio as Endless Legend. It wasn’t received that well in Humankind either, so I’m kinda surprised that they stole it anyway, but I guess line must go up and they didn’t have a lot of inspiration themselves?
- Comment on Google's slow Chrome Extension reforms anger developers • The Register 4 weeks ago:
This simply isn’t true. FF on Android is fine and allows you to use tons of extensions for far more things than ad blocking, such as the wonderful Consent-O-Matic that automatically deals with cookie popups for you. Huge timesaver on mobile.
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 5 months ago:
Fully agree!
- Comment on Some Feminist Tips 5 months ago:
None of them have anything to do with feminism though, except maybe #2.
- Comment on Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games 8 months ago:
The EVE Online of today has very little to do with the game that came out 21 years ago. It’s been kept up to date very well, the graphics are really nice and the game has been made a lot better for new players. A new expansion just dropped so now it’s actually a pretty good time to try it out.
As for mining in peace: that’s totally doable if you know what you’re doing. The best advice would be to join a mining/building corporation as soon as possible and have them show you the ropes. The element of risk never goes completely away, and you should always be prepared to lose the ship you are flying, but the risks are very manageable, to the point where you should almost never lose a ship unless you’re actively taking more risk.
- Comment on The First Dune Game 32 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 11 months ago:
Absolutely love this game. Played it from beginning to end on the PC multiple times over the decades. The original floppy version that is, not the poncy CD version he’s using! 😂
- Comment on New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles 1 year ago:
That’s not true, “regular” Li-ion batteries have become tremendously cheaper and have increased their capacity by a lot in the past decade. The next jump in their capacity is about 50% more again, and it’s already being previewed by the big battery manufacturers.
- Comment on The best MMOs in 2023 - PCGamer 1 year ago:
There are more errors. Eve Online is 20 years old, not 18. He even lists 2003 as the release year. And Palia has been playable for a couple of months now, so it could have included far more information than that.
- Comment on MMO mouse recommendations? 1 year ago:
Take a look at the Azeron Cyro. It combines a high quality mouse, a ton of programmable buttons and a thumbstick, so it has everything you need for one-handed gaming in the vast majority of games. Might not be what you’re looking for, but it’s good to know that there are possibilities that you probably haven’t considered yet.