- Comment on Trump Is ‘Weird,’ Vance Is ‘Creepy.’ Finally, the Democrats Start Name-Calling. 6 months ago:
they’re actually not felonies but rules, look up rule 34 donald_trump
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
Thanks for the correction, appreciate it. Not sure it changes much though.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
With Discord in browser, you lose Krisp, RPC ipc socket support (aRPC might work, no clue), and from what I remember screensharing only worked with browser tab capture.
Element will eat your RAM no matter where it’s running. You could add it as a Nextcloud app to triple your RAM usage! Woo
And you can’t run Steam games without the Steam client running. That’s how their DRM works. (Unless you use the goldberg steam emulator, which is a whole another thing to talk about) - Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
Such is the state of Electron.
I’m slowly stopping to care about web apps, however the amount of shit Electron causes is through the roof. Discord, Element, Signal, even Steam is full of it, so you just end up having 8 different “programs” running with every single one using at least around 400MB of RAM.
Can’t wait to see something using Rust and Tauri. Graphite wink wink - Comment on clearly aliens 10 months ago:
Imagine the customs fee on that
- Comment on Sign Maintenance Is Important 1 year ago:
Welcome to rat burger
- Comment on A strong leader should have good heads on their shoulders. 1 year ago:
Who names their kid “Mt.”
- Comment on If you know, you know 1 year ago:
I love Junji Ito